During the University of Tennessee Fall and Spring semesters, we are pleased to offer Sunday School classes to students in grades K-8. The classes are grouped into different grade levels and we currently utilize an exciting program from Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. You can find out more information at their websiteby clicking on this button:
Want to join us for our Nativity Play? There are lots of roles - speaking and not speaking. We will have rehearsals at 10 am on Sunday, December 12 & 19, and at 3 pm on Christmas Eve. The kids will be fed pizza at 4 pm so you don't even have to worry about snacks! Please send Andrea Sirek an email (andrea@john23rd.org) if you would like your child to participate.
We have Sacramental Preparation classes for both First Reconciliation/First Communion every year (2nd grade) and Confirmation every other year (5th and 6th grade). The next Confirmation group will begin in September 2022. These classes run in the Spring Semester but I encourage these students to be involved with our Sunday School program in the Fall as well.
For more information or to sign your child(ren) up for classes, please email Andrea Sirek, our Sunday School director, at andrea@john23rd.org.
Are you or someone you know interested in understanding the Catholic faith and/or considering the idea of becoming Catholic? RCIA can help! We will be meeting on Tuesdays at 7:00. Contact Fr. Rich Whitney, CSP at rich@john23rd.org or call the office at 1-865-523-7931.
Bishop Robert Barron’s in-depth book on our Catholic Faith will be the Fall study. It will be offered only via Zoom due to pandemic safety restrictions. The study will continue to meet every other week in the months ahead. You are welcome to join in at any date. The book is available for purchase through online sources and bookstores. The bulletin and Fr. Don’s newsletter will contain sign-in links. Contact: Charles Jones - cbjones2@gmail.com.
On Tuesday nights, Fr. Bob conducts a Bible Study focusing on the readings for the upcoming Sunday. They are ZOOM events, starting at 7 PM. Watch for the link in your weekly email!